

Wall Art Fail & Success

Last June I was inspired by Amy from My 3 Monsters.  She was guest posting over at Under the Table and Dreaming about some fantastic and CHEAP wall art.  I have seen these before in stores and on Etsy and they can get pretty pricey so I was intrigued...  Could I make one of these on my own?

I went to Leo Reynold's Flickr Photostream.  Go and look.  The sheer number of photographs can be overwhelming! I downloaded everything I needed to spell out my last name and when our family was established.  Then I opened Scrapblog and prepared to work my magic.

Riiiight...  I couldn't get it looking how I wanted.  I added my full anniversary to make it fit in my square {even though it wasn't my favorite} but even still none of the lines were lining up correctly...

Do you see how it is uneven?  How none of the lines are matching up?  Maybe it is hard to see but I knew it wouldn't be when it was blown up and printed out. After hours of messing with it I grew tired.  And I forgot about it.

Until... Sarah featured Stephanie. {BTW, is this enough linking for you?? :) }  She had an in depth tutorial on how she created one of these collages.  It was BRILLIANT! {That's for you Babe!!}  I swear Stephanie must have known I needed this tutorial.  And here is the kicker all she used was a Microsoft Office Program.  No fancy schmancy software or downloaded programs here.  Woot Woot!  If you want to see just how I did it please go and look at Stephanie's tutorial. 

And for my success?

Ok, I know what you are thinking- it looks pretty similar but look at those LINES.  So clean and crisp :)  I know I should have been a good blogger and given you the big reveal once it is all printed out but I couldn't wait.  With Hubbie gone I only have you to show :)  I ordered my print online and hope to have it matted and framed soon.  Please let me know if you make one I would love to see...


  1. Love the "O"!! You did a really good job. :) Neat project! Thanks for the visit today! Hope you'll stop by Serenity Now again soon. :)

  2. Just visiting back and was happy to see a new post. And I laughed at your comment about if you had provided enough links or not. LOL.

    Have a great weekend and I liked the project.

  3. I think it looks great! Are you going to frame it? It would look awesome on a canvas too!

  4. I love this! Seriously. You have inspired me to do this. Off to bookmark your links!


I LOVE Love love all your comments. They make me so happy. Thanks for taking the time to share your thoughts with me :)