


Hey Y'all... Sorry I have been missing in action lately.  Between me and both boys we have been sick multiple times and with the gross weather I have just not been feeling it.  Not only have I neglected this blog but I have neglected all my must read blogs for over a month.  My google reader is set to explode!

But tonight I feel like I can ease myself back into it.  I am looking forward to being back out there and mingling with you :)

Plus a big woot woot to my best Hubbie.  Love you Babe!!


  1. Julie, it seems like we were in the same boat. I was on a self-imposed blog MIA status as well. Trying to ease back into things as we speak. Hope this finds you doing well as the summer progresses.

  2. Will you ever blog again??? Hope you had a nice Fourth!


I LOVE Love love all your comments. They make me so happy. Thanks for taking the time to share your thoughts with me :)