

New Header

Well, people the day has come.

I recreated my header.  Since I have now made my blog public and have SIX followers {You ladies ROCK!!}  (and yes I am totally congratulating myself right now)...I'll pause for you to finish rolling your eyes....

I figured I needed to remove my last name from the header.  I know y'all probably don't even notice but I though it just wasn't appropriate anymore.  Hubbie's job can be affected by home life, and with two small boys, I just want to be responsible.  I basically kept it the same just removed the last name and added when we were "established" as a family.

In a previous post I had detailed- and to be clear by detailed I mean linked to another blog- how I created my own header.  If you are interested you can look HERE.  Or you could just skip that and go right to the source The Stories of A 2 Z.  If you haven't been by her blog yet you really should check her out. Honestly, Beth is such an inspiration to me :)

So all in all nothing crazy. BTW, let me just say that the six of you really make me smile.  Just seeing that ridiculous number six is such an accomplishment.  Did any of you feel that way?  How did you react when your list of followers began to grow?


  1. honey i have totally been there. i still get giddy when i get a new follower. its alot of fun to be able to share my projects with others and feed off their designs and creativity. whether it be a fun craft for kids, home stuff, recipes... its just a great little community and one that is so uplifting and fun!!

  2. I check how many followers I have way too often!

  3. Cool that you made your own header. I have absolutely no techy skills whatsoever. I see you did a cool signature at the end of your post too. Do you have a link to the instructions for that? I tried once but it didn't work. Maybe I should just stick to using my hammer and drill.

  4. Your new header looks great! I have been blogging for a couple of years now and every time I see a new follower, I am very excited. My blogging is really slowing down these days because of school. :(


I LOVE Love love all your comments. They make me so happy. Thanks for taking the time to share your thoughts with me :)