

Something Unexpected...

Right now Ryan is on shore duty getting ready to go back to sea duty.  In order to do so he is require to complete health evaluations to make sure he is fit to return to a ship.  Last week they did all the bloodwork and vaccinations and yesterday he got to sit down with a doctor to review his results.  I didn't think anything of this appoinment- he is very healthy ordinarily- and pretty much forgot about it.  Well, it turns out Ryan has very high cholesterol levels.  Like way high.  Too high for someone his age.  Umm, prediabetic high.  Yeahhhh... 

High cholesterol runs in his family but the doctor ordered follow up tests to be run and informed Ryan that medication may be necessary to lower his cholesterol.  She also said that a change in lifestyle is required.  Which means limiting sugars controlling portions and continuing to exercise.  If you know Ryan than you know his love for all things sweet, yummy and processed.  He also has a love that I think is stronger than his love for me... whole milk.  He has to switch to skim.  Poor baby :)

All kidding aside- I am thankful that we were given the oppurtunity to change these factors, things that can be changed (unlike his genetics- he may always have higher than normal cholesterol).  I am thankful I have a wonderful husband who despite all this overwhelming information came home and wanted to know how I was handling it.  I am thankful to be able to face this challenge together.

(Sorry for the smudges... little fingers had gotten ahold of our camera)

Please keep Ryan in your thoughts in prayers. 

Time for dinner.
Talk to you soon.

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